Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation
Demo best practice in rice farming Kitonga
-supported by TCMP-Pwani project
Poor practice rice farming, Sange Village
Poor practice simsim farming, Sange village
Drought resistant banana species, best adaption option
Mwembeni village
Water crisis Mwembeni village

Entry point of Mziha forest “hodi hodi” The culturally protected forest with respect to “Mziha Spirit” Mwembeni village
Best view near Msangazi river mouth, Sange village
Best view of Pangani river, Msaraza village
Ipomea planning, best practice in sand beach
stabilization, Sange village
Crediti: All photos by Don Robadue of Coastal Resources Center
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Adapting to Climate Change Susceptibility
Mango trees in Kitonga demonstration farm
One of the Climate Change Committee members of Kitonga village
Climate Change Committee leader at Kitonga village, Hamis Njagila, leads TCMP-Pwani team staff during the monitoring visit to the Kitonga Village Demonstration Mango Farm yesterday
Kitonga Village Climate Change Committee briefing meeting during TCMP-Pwani staff monitoring visit to see the progress of their Demonstration Mango Farm
TCMP-Pwani director and climate change team discussion after Kitonga Mango Demonstration Farm monitoring visit
Yesterday, Pwani Director, Baraka Kalangahe and TCMP-Pwani climate change team made a monitoring visit at the Mango Demonstration Farm in Kitonga village, Bagamoyo. The visit was aimed at monitoring the progress of the farm established as a pilot climate change impacts and vulnerability adaptation alternative. After the visit, Kitonga Village Climate Change Committee, the owner of the farm, told the director that despite the fact that the trees are going on very well, they still face challenge of waterring the farm as they have to fetch water from about 4 kilometers away to water the trees. Another challenge is to clear the farm from unwanted weeds. Both challenges were discussed in details by the director and the TCMP-Pwani climate change team after their return to the office.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Pangani ICM Meeting
River Pangani
Courtesy call at the Pangani District Executive Director
Sub section of Pangani ICM Meeting participantsMariculture task force in workplan preparation
Pangani District Council Executive Director in the meeting
Climate change task force
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
ICM Meeting in progress
Mr Baraka Kalangahe, TCMP Pwani Director adresses ICM Working Group Meeting for Bagamayo District Council today, February 7, 2012
Monday, February 6, 2012
ICM Meeting in progress
The Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) Working Group meeting for Bagamoyo district was held on Febraury 7, 2012 to introduce Pwani-Project planned activities for year 2012, to review ICM working group task forces and work on best modalities for implementing specific activities.
Happy elephant, happy people
Happy elephant, happy people. Dr Alfred Kikoti of World Elephant Center, one of Pwani Project partners, shows on how to live in harmony with big animals like elephant.
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